Friday, April 23, 2010

Gabby's three month pictures

It is so hard to believe that Gabby is 3 months old! I never realized how fast time can go! Today was a beautiful day out and I was able to capture some of her personality. She seems so serious all the time. She does smile/talk/ squeal but most of the time... this is her! enjoy :)
She already wants to sit so upright.

here she is checking out the trees :)

This is my favorite one.


  1. She is absolutely adorable! I love that serious look. Andrea had that look too for a while before she got 'wild'. When she was less mobile. It sounds like Gabby has a different personality than Ashley but didn't Ashley always want to sit up too? Your independent girls. :)

  2. yes, Ashley did everything waaaay before the boys. She was walking at 8 months! The boys were all closer to a year. Except connor :) He was four when I saw him take his first steps! :) I am curious to see what Gabby decides to do. I went and bought her one of those play gyms like you had when you were here. She really loves to study it. I bought her the one with the frogs on it (since I love frogs) she kicks some of the toys but cannot use her hands much yet.

  3. What a cutie. You got some great pictures of her. -Sue

  4. She is so cute!! Love the pictures. The sweater and hat she's wearing is adorable.


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